Our entire lives are based on choices and selections.
Our selections are based on what we see with our eyes.
Young children choose toys because they look colorful and fun. (Have you ever seen any black-and-white toys made for young children?)
Adults choose potential mates because they look youthful, have clear skin and fit – because their genes could impact on health of their future offspring.
People choose pets because they look cuddly and cute, and have heads that resemble a young infant’s face - round and fat with large eyes and sometimes dimples.
Professionals choose teammates and business partners because they look smart, confident, stylish and professional – because such elements covey the message that they know are competent! Not only they are knowledgeable, they also know what they are doing, and sometimes even give you a sense of power and authority.
Then you would ask me, “William, why are you telling us my mother is a woman?”
Yes, no doubt these are common sense! But if such ‘common sense’ is so easy to achieve, how come so few people around us are capable of achieving such an acceptable professional image?
The MTR Corporation is well known for the amount of manpower and resources invested in providing staff development programs of great variety to its employees. Having recognizing the importance of professional images in a highly visual environment, I was invited to provide a lunchtime seminar, 形象一新, 綻放豐盛人生, introducing the Power of Image and Style and how they could enrich people's confidence, creditability and help deliver correct message in the daily life. Two sessions with about 300 MTR staff attended the seminars. |